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Our Purse King Handbags are designed with a synthetic leather made from organic (plant-based) materials. It has the feel and durability of leather but is both animal and eco-friendly. The material also has a stonewashed, slightly textured appearance to give our bags that classic leather look. Vegan Leather is simply a sustainable product that has the same look and wear as leather but is stain-resistant and made without harming animals.
We have designed our straps to allow our handbags to function as shoulder bags and cross body bags. The strap length is approximately 54" total (from attachment point to attachment point on the purse). The strap drop length, on average, is 13"-30". This allows the wearer to choose the perfect length that fits her or his style and figure. The strap is always made from our vegan leather, a lightweight material, and matches the color of the handbag.
Our Convertible Backpacks come ready to be used as backpacks. To convert to a shoulder bag or cross body bag simply detach the hooks from their latch-points and extend the straps. As needed extend the straps further using the adjust points to allow for a cross body wear - or a messenger bag look.
Having trouble finding a product or color, reach out to the team and we will work to resolve your inquiry.
Using a damp cloth or sponge clean the surface of the product. For interior clean, use a gentle detergent or small amount of stain remover to return the fabric to pristine condition.
Our products are hand washable and can be left to air dry.
We offer Standard and Expedited shipping on all orders. Our packages ship in reusable, recyclable poly mailers as a green measure and we package all our products prior to shipping to ensure secure transit.
We typically process the order within 24 hours of purchase and ship the order the next day. Our goal is to have your accessory arrive as soon as possible, so you can begin to enjoy its versatility. For example, on orders placed before 7PM, we process same-day and we strive to ship the handbag within 24 hours of placing the order.
Our orders typically arrive within 5-7 business days of purchase for orders shipped within the continental US. Orders to Canada typically arrive within 15 business days. Orders to the UK and Australia arrive within 3 to 5 weeks. Packages shipped to Mexico arrive in 4 to 6 weeks. Orders shipped to all other locations have variable arrival times.
We offer a 30-day return policy from original date of purchase and a 6-month guarantee on our products. This means you have 30 days from the time of purchase to love, test, and enjoy the handbag. We accept returns on products in re-sellable condition and on those rare occasions where the product has a defect.
Our 6-month guarantee is designed in case of unexpected product malfunction. This includes strap, zipper, or interior issues that may arise. We offer a replacement in these cases or a partial refund. Damage due to usage and frequent wear does not apply and will not receive coverage for replacement
Return all vegan leather purses and handbags & accessories in new, un-used condition for refund.